1. Did you play an April Fools joke on anyone?
No. I'm way on the "empathetic" side of the personality spectrum to ever play an April Fools joke on someone. I did get a kick out of the Facebook friend that said he and his wife were expecting twins. I added my "congratulations" with about 100 other people...that night he fessed up that it was only an April Fools joke. It was pretty funny--he got us all pretty good. That was last year---this year I just refrained from making any comments on April 1st, just in case ;)
2. Do you have a Kobo, Nook, Kindle etc? Do you read more ebooks or traditional books?
I don't own one of those yet. I think I'd enjoy it. I do love reading and of course it's the traditional hold-in-your-hand books when I do. I haven't made time for reading since I started working full-time. I look forward to it though.
3. If your life was a book, what would the title be?
Ha ha...the first title that comes to mind is "Just Keep Swimming" (probably because I have over a decade of one-liners from kids' movies in my head). It's true though. In the almost 17 years that we've been married there have been some crazy and painful situations that have required a tenacity and a "just keep swimming" attitude. Psalm 3:5-6 sums it up very well. With only the Lord's help, we can forge ahead in His strength and not ours.
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